More Snow

The third time it snowed this winter, we were a little done with snow. Been there, done that. I couldn’t even get Samantha to go outside and play in it for long. We had all missed tons of work (and school) by then, so it was a challenge coming up with creative things to do and more guilty feelings about staying home from work.

But, we got to build a snowman with a cool kit from MamaLinda and Pop! I had fun with it, at least.




Here, Ellie was trying to get the snow off the swing. It was a very wet snow though, as opposed to the times before when it was a very dry snow, so she ended up wiping everything off with her hands.


Only a Dusting

At 9pm on January 27, 2014, we were predicted to have a dusting of snow for the following day.  Schools remained open, everyone went to work, and life carried on like normal.  Oh. Boy.  Here are the highlights.

Overall, we faired very well.  The girls were picked up from school by the hero, Aunt Lauren, and taken home.  Brian and I finally arrived a few hours later.  By some freak of nature, we both had plenty of gas, water bottles, coats, all the necessities needed in the event we got stuck.  I was supposed to go to Nashville later in the week, so I had a decent amount of food in the house for Brian and the girls.  I had even gone to the grocery store on Tuesday morning after I dropped Ellie off at school.  Had I known that it would have been a significant trip, I would have bought a few things differently.

At any rate, we hunkered down and enjoyed a few days with our houseguests (Brian’s sister and her son, while her husband spent the night at his office) and our unexpected snow.  We got at least 1.5″ to 2″ at our house.  The strange thing?  It was such a dry snow that we couldn’t pack it!  All day Tuesday and Wednesday we couldn’t make snowballs or snowmen.  It took until Thursday afternoon to be wet enough to pack it.  That kind of snow certainly doesn’t happen here normally.  As of Friday night, 4 days later, it is mostly all gone at our house.  There are still patches of ice, and stranded and wrecked cars still litter the roads.  Crazy.







Lost Tooth #3

Samantha received another visit from the Tooth Fairy last night!  The top front tooth had been wiggly for months, it seemed.  She was not willing to pull it out, but occasionally complained about it hurting when she was eating.  Duh!  Finally, I convinced her to let me pull it!


After going to the dentist, they said the other top tooth is wiggly too!  It will be a while before it comes out, knowing my girl.  That’s ok.  The permanent tooth isn’t coming in yet on the first one.