I guess I need to be prepared for a no afternoon nap week.
Brian and I had debated about how to transition Sam into a big bed. My thought was set up the bed, let her see it, talk about it for a few days, then move her over. Maybe nighttime in the bed at first, but naps in the crib (for my own sake really). I had been convinced to remove the crib after a few days, even if she wasn’t keen on the new bed. Brian’s idea was put up the bed, take down the crib. Boom.
Her bed arrived at our house (via Brian’s “awesome” new ride) on Saturday. We had a lot going on that day already, so it sat in boxes. We had been talking about a big girl bed for a while, but I didn’t know if she would associate herself with one. She knows a few other kids with big beds, and even jumps on the babysitter’s daughter’s big bed.
When she woke up from her nap on Sunday afternoon, Brian arrived home with her new mattress (via Brian’s “awesome” new ride). Sam was super interested.
We had talked about what kind of mattress pad we needed, but never actually bought one. The time had come. Amazon (where I buy most everything) had waterproof mattress pads for about $14. Thanks – I’ll take two. Brian wanted to leave the plastic on the mattress. Ew. Luckily for me, he bought a floor sample mattress so it didn’t have sealed plastic. The salesman also convinced him that we needed a mattress protector (even fancier than a waterproof pad). Thanks mattress man!
I got ready to go back to the mattress store to buy a protector. Lately, Samantha is in a stage where it’s really hard if I leave her. She wants me to be with her at all times. So, she and I venture out in the rain. The mattress store was closed, but luckily mattress man was still there. I guess he felt sorry for a pregnant woman with her two year old in tow standing outside in the rain. He cut me a better deal than the price on Amazon (even a put-it-in-your-cart-to-see-the-price deal) so I bought two. Thanks mattress man!
When we got home, the bed was set up and the crib was gone.
For now, we’re using the bed stuff that I had in college. I think that when we move into another house, we can decorate her room then. Her favorite color is still blue, so I think it’s a great fit.
It took her about 2 hours to fall asleep last night. We found her in various places each time we went in: sitting on top of her new nightstand, in the closet wearing slippers, etc. Like I said, I guess I should be prepared for no naps this week.
By the way, did I mention how much Brian loves his new ride and talks about it? It was raining all weekend during the hauling of the big items. Nothing got wet, nothing was tied down, nothing was covered with a tarp (or tarpaulin, as my dad would say) and all arrived safe and sound. Does someone else want to hear him talk about it?
And another by the way, I shot these pictures in manual. It’s the first time I’ve ventured over to the “M.” They didn’t turn out that bad! I do stalk a few good teachers and mentors.
I love the photos, especially the second. I’m so glad that you’re capturing the moments!
It’s nice to know that the college stuff I bought still comes in handy!
Great big-girl bed!
Have fun with your very independent, newly-free toddler!
Cute. She looks so big!
Yea for venturing over to manual! Once you get it you’ll never give up that control! 🙂
I didn’t realize that there are so many things to consider as parents…. ^^*
It somehow sounds weird, but I can understand both options, either Brian’s or yours, Janie.
It may be more important what kind of personality Sam has, not whether it’s a quick transition….
But I loooooove Sam’s new bed. It looks really pretty.
And last night I saw Brian’s new car.
It had everything what a family needs, I guess.
Most of all the heated seat was my favorite. lol lol
Ugrrrrr, there are too many spelling mistakes.
Okay, personality not personalit, and Sam’s not Sam’e
Marie, not that I needed to, but I fixed them. Thanks for commenting!!