8 thoughts on “Potty Time – Day 2”

  1. In her case, a potty treat is usually M&Ms. It’s just a little something since she’s food-driven! Jelly beans or skittles work too, but she usually wants “MMs.”

  2. We use m&m’s, too. Jackson used to see them in the grocery store and yell “poop candy!”

    Just wait, Clark…

  3. ‘Poop candy’. That’s hilarious.

    I think all kids love M&Ms. I know you can’t say that out loud around Jack or he will start asking for them, regardless of the time of day. I’ve just never thought about using food in the potty training regimen.

  4. With some kids, I’ve heard of using stickers. Bookstores also sell potty reward books (I think different activities each time as a reward) but M&Ms work well at our house. I have more recently heard of rewarding #1 with one M&M, and #2 with two, and I really wish I had thought of that. We are using about 4-6 each time which might be harder to ween. I’m not to that stage yet though.

    “Poop candy” is awesome to be yelled through the grocery store!! What’s the problem?!?! 🙂

  5. Honestly, that’s probably the LEAST embarrassing thing that Jackson has ever yelled out in public.

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