
Good news! Brian’s grandpa was moved out of ICU today! He continues to improve, but will most likely be in the hospital for another week. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers over the last few days.

On another note, my dad chopped off the tip of his finger on Sunday. He said he was messing around with his lawnmower, doing something stupid. It’s a good thing Alex wasn’t around or he would have passed out. (Maybe I should have added a disclaimer for Alex to stop reading after the first paragraph.) I haven’t heard the latest about my dad’s visit to the orthopedist to check up on the bone, but hopefully that went well. Add him to your list…


Brian’s grandfather had surgery yesterday here in Birmingham. It was a 12 hour surgery to remove a cancerous bladder and nonfunctioning kidney. He got through the surgery ok, but had a very rough night last night. All the family was called around midnight to be by his side. Please pray for him and all of the Eckl family.