Four-month Check Up

Samantha had her 4 month check up last week. It’s a little late, but she’s still doing great! We have permission to start feeding her rice cereal, but we haven’t tried it yet. When we get a free weekend, we’ll give it a try. She weighed 14 lbs 3.5 oz, and was 25″ long. She’s about average for weight and a little longer than normal. She doesn’t get the tall genes from Brian or me, so we’ll see if she keeps it up.

Another Check Up

Samantha had her next check up yesterday. She’s growing and doing very well. She now weighs 10 lbs 8.5 oz! That’s in the 70th percentile. She’s also longer (22″ at 50th percentile) and her head is still small (14″ at 25th percentile). She had her first round of vaccines, so she wasn’t feeling well for the rest of the day. But she did feel well enough to help her daddy have a happy birthday!