Happy Easter!
Tag: easter
Easter 2015
We started our long Easter weekend with some egg dyeing. Don’t mind all the scaffolding and ladders in the background. It’s a never-ending construction site at our house.
On Easter morning, the Easter bunny was clever in hiding baskets. The girls searched and searched for their baskets. Samantha found hers first. It was in the dryer.
Ellie could not find hers.
But all of us pitched in to help her. She was finally successful! It was in the oven.
In taking this family shot, I think it was the quickest I have ever taken Easter pictures before in my life. No one cried. No one was mad. No one stormed off in a dramatic fashion – it was unlike all previous Easter family pictures.
Sadly, this will be one of the last pictures with this big oak tree (behind Brian). About 3 weeks later, it fell. There’s that drama. I thought it had skipped us.
Easter 2013
Happy Easter!
We started our Good Friday with some Easter coloring, a trip to a fabric store that I never get to go to, the park, and lunch. (What kind of business can they run with hours M-F 9-4? I get to go once every few years!) More on what I bought later. Then, home for a nap and some egg dyeing. Sam loves it. I do too.
Sam got a kit from Build-a-Bear (thanks, MamaLinda!) so we used the drops rather than food coloring. It also came with stickers and glitter!
Later, Ellie enjoyed dyeing her eggs too.
Saturday morning, Sam was heartbroken as I used the eggs in my potato salad. But we enjoyed lunch with some Mauters over at the Atchisons house.
And, no Easter celebration would be complete without an egg hunt.
On Easter morning, Sam woke up very early to hunt for her basket. She found it behind the french door in the entrance hall. The night before, she told me that she wished the Easter Bunny would not hide it in the place he did last year: on top of the china cabinet. I’m surprised she remembered!
Ellie’s basket was hidden under the piano.
The Easter Bunny took it easy this year: some books, some candy, bubbles, and some hair accessories.
And unfortunately after this, the camera got a smudge on the lens, so the rest of the pictures are smudgy.
Easter 2012
We had a great Easter this year! We stayed at home and did Easter crafts on Good Friday (both girls were out of school). We dyed eggs, made Easter Egg Hunt cookies and decorated a tree on Holy Saturday. The Easter Bunny hid baskets this year, so after some early morning hunting (for Sam at least), the girls dug through their baskets then we skirted off to church. We had to take the obligatory family picture (which I think had some tears) then we hunted for Easter Eggs all day. And I mean all. day. It was relaxing and fun to spend the day outside playing.
Easter at the Lake
We headed to the Lake this year to celebrate Easter. The kiddos were excited to have an Easter Egg Hunt and play on the new swing set. Whenever these 3 get together, it’s bound to be exciting!