Next Samantha Quotable

Samantha’s school hasn’t started yet, but she seems to be very excited about it.  (Not quite as excited as she is every Thursday when it’s time for gymnastics.  Whoa boy.  She loves it.)  The other night when I was putting her to bed, we were talking about school.  I mentioned that we were going to meet her teacher next week.  Then she got down to business.

Q: “Is Ellie coming to meet my teacher?”

A: “No, it’s just you and me and Daddy.”

Q: “Is Daddy going to take Ellie to school?”

A: “Yes, Daddy will take Ellie to school then he will meet us at your school to meet your teacher.”

Then she sat up a little in the bed, and leaned over to her nightstand.  She began to make a pretend list.  “Then, Mommy.  Daddy take Ellie to school.  Check.  Me, Mommy, Daddy go to my school.  Check.  Meet my teacher.  Check.”  She was very proud of her To Do list and very proud that everything got checked off.

I’m just like every other Type A out there who takes pleasure in scratching things off my never-ending list.  I guess this world will have one more of those.


I forgot to mention that after Samantha checked everything off her list, she gave it to me and said “Here Mommy.  Hold on to this so that Ellie won’t get it.”  She proceeded to hand me her list for safe keeping.  Silliness.

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