Ellie’s First Haircut

Although Ellie’s hair is still very thin, the rat-tail-turned-mullet needed some work.  I still haven’t found a good kid-friendly place to take the girls.  The salon that we used with Sam closed long ago.  I decided that you only get a First Haircut once, so I would splurge and take her to my salon.  Sam, in a very matter of fact, big sister way, tried to prep her on the way in, “Listen Ellie, you are going to cry, but it doesn’t hurt.”  Ai yai yai.

Ellie, in fact, did not cry.  She was a little nervous at first, but the cut was over soon enough.  Let’s face it, there really wasn’t much to cut.  She continues to let me pull her hair back, so I really don’t want to cut bangs.  I know she’d look more like a little girl, but we might as well keep growing everything out.


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