We have plenty of room in our new house. We each have our own space and own bed, but that doesn’t mean a soon-to-be-4 year old can’t use her imagination.
I bought 2 booster seats recently (online of course) so we had a few big boxes laying around. One of them got 2 eye holes cut out and is used as a box monster. One got used as a present that we open up, revealing said soon-to-be-4 year old. And the other? It got taken upstairs and is now used as a bed.
Yes, Samantha is sleeping in a box. She says she sleeps well. I can’t really say.
On Friday night, we were all hanging out on the driveway. As it got dark, Brian laid down and started gazing at the stars. The next thing we knew, Samantha had run upstairs, pulled out her sleeping bag, pillow and animals and brought them all down. She wanted to lay down too. Since it was pleasantly cool, we told her that we’d try to camp out on Saturday night.
Well, Saturday came and was busy. We didn’t get home until late, so camping didn’t happen. Needless to say, she was ready for it on Sunday night. But she didn’t understand what “school night” means.
Brian relented and set up her tent on the porch. At first, she was not cool with the fact that we were going to sleep inside, but was soon calmed by “Let’s Talk” with Daddy. We talked about coming inside whenever she wanted, and other such things. We read a book using a flashlight, but then she asked for her night-night music. I told her that the bugs would be her night-night music tonight. Brian said he thought she’d stay out there for 15 minutes. I thought she’d stick it out. Brian and I walked by that kitchen window for the next few hours wondering what was going on in there, but we never saw the flashlight. Finally, at 10, we opened that noisy, creaky storm door to check on her. She was sound asleep.
At 5:55AM, I heard the door open and little footsteps run to the potty. But then, back outside. She was a trouper. In the morning, I asked her how she slept, and she said “not good.” I never got an answer why though. We promised that we’ll all try it again soon.
Sam is a brave little girl! At least she chose lovely weather to sleep outdoors. I’m glad to know that she likes her tent and sleeping bag so well. 🙂
Is she still sleeping in the box? Yes, she surely was brave! Has she wanted to sleep in the tent anymore? I’m impressed!!!!