Super Bowl Whim

After church on Sunday, we were trying to figure out something to do before going over to Dan and Candice’s to watch the Super Bowl. On a whim, we decided to paint our bedroom. We headed over to Home Depot, bought two gallons of Ralph Lauren Burlap-colored paint and began painting. Here’s how we’re doing. Last night Brian finished up all of the rolling. Janie just needs to finish cutting out around the trim and we’re done!

Almost ready to move in!

It’s about time for another update, right?  The house is mostly complete.  We had
our walk-through on July 31st, and that was where we told them what they still needed
to complete.  Sod and landscaping really add a finishing touch!  We close
on August 5th, so I guess that means we should start packing?  Everyone in our neighborhood is really great.  We’re all super excited to be moving in.  After work everyday, there’s a big block party when everyone comes to look at his house.  Brian and Janie are ready to move in and enjoy being homeowners!  Janie will just be glad that there is some color on the walls instead of “apartment cream.”