Janie is in Antigua

We drove all day today to get to Antigua from the Valley (about 10 hours). I have wifi now although my inbox is seriously scary. Tomorrow I might go up to a volcano (mount picaya) or do a tour here. I’m going to try to go to church tomorrow night at Santo Domingo. It’s built around Mayan ruins, and promises to be cool. Leaving the Valley, where there is no electricity, makes me feel like I’m ready to come home. It’s a different world up there. Anyway, I’ll have more when I get home.


Janie Has More Email Than You

I don’t have time to read through my massive inbox, so I’m not reading replies.
We’re still working hard in the Valley. It’s not going as fast as the coordinators hoped, so we might stay here another day before going to Antigua for the weekend. It’s just so incredibly wet. I knew it was a rainforest, but goodness it rains 1″-2″ per day.
Otherwise, doing well.

Janie Has Reached Camp

We are here at the camp and just set up our beds.  We stayed last night at a hotel in Coban and had hot showers this morning.  The drive here was so bumpy.  I mean bumpy.  For hours.  We laughed and laughed.  We worked a little this morning.  And after lunch we hiked up the mountain behind the bodega.  There were some banana trees at the top and we wanted to see the view.  The clouds moved in at the time so we couldn’t see the valley below, but it was nice. It started raining after that and has been cold since.  We’re doing well.  It’s nice.

Beach Vacay 2011

We’re still working through all of our pictures, but here’s one for proof.  We had lots of fun.


What a trip!  We stayed in the big house again, and it seemed like there weren’t as many people there as usual.  I guess that’s because there wasn’t.

Sam enjoyed the water this year, but was still a little anxious at first.  Every year, it takes less time for her to get used to the water.


Ellie didn’t mind the sand at all, but I think the heat bothered her.

I think she enjoyed Patrick’s truck almost as much as he did!  We also discovered during this trip, that she likes push toys and wheels!


Some kids:


And some family: