Gatlinburg 2008

This post is a bit of a hyperlink fest. Apologies.

We went to Gatlinburg last weekend. It was beautiful! You can see a view from the deck here. Alex (flickr and blog) did a great job picking out the cabin and the weekend. We were glad to be a part of it. We went on a few short hikes, but mostly hung around the house and played with the kiddos. We can’t wait to go again in a few years when hiking with children will get easier.

In looking back through past trips, we’ve been on Grotto Falls each trip. I think we can check that hike off the list now.

Keeping the Road Hot

We haven’t added a lot to the website recently because we’ve been out of town. Well, now you can see where we’ve been. We went to Gulf Shores, AL, Columbia, SC and Savannah, GA during the month of May. We’re keeping the road hot. Since the SC trip was business, we don’t have any pictures to show you, but there are a couple from the beach and the riverwalk. There are also a couple of new pictures randomly in some libraries. Enjoy!