May Crowning

Ellie turned 5 on Saturday.  I will have a post honoring her 5th birthday soon (hopefully), but I wanted to highlight something she said this morning.

Today is May Crowning for the preschool.  I have never figured out why it is on a different day than the main school, so we continue to live in 2 different worlds.  Ellie came downstairs this morning and discovered a few flowers in the kitchen.  She ran back to my bathroom to ask me if I had bought them.  (She delights in all things “lovely.”)  She was thrilled that we had flowers in the kitchen.  I told her, while toothbrush in mouth, that they were for May Crowning.

She contorted her face and thought for a few seconds.  Then she said, “So I need to bring all my crowns to school?”

4K kids at POP May Crowning

Easter 2015

We started our long Easter weekend with some egg dyeing.  Don’t mind all the scaffolding and ladders in the background.  It’s a never-ending construction site at our house.


On Easter morning, the Easter bunny was clever in hiding baskets.  The girls searched and searched for their baskets.  Samantha found hers first.  It was in the dryer.


Ellie could not find hers.


But all of us pitched in to help her.  She was finally successful!  It was in the oven.


In taking this family shot, I think it was the quickest I have ever taken Easter pictures before in my life.  No one cried.  No one was mad.  No one stormed off in a dramatic fashion – it was unlike all previous Easter family pictures.


Sadly, this will be one of the last pictures with this big oak tree (behind Brian).  About 3 weeks later, it fell.   There’s that drama.  I thought it had skipped us.


There is a certain 4 year old at our house who is obsessed with Rapunzel.  It started when she was about 3 and has been going strong since.  Nothing is off limits, but currently, we have an abundant supply of dolls.  She loves them.


I remember when Samantha had a Lightning McQueen obsession at around the same age.  Hers did not last as long as this one has.