Nine-month Check Up

Samantha had her 9 month check up this week. It’s a little late, but she’s doing well. She weighs 17 lbs 12 oz, which is in the 25th percentile. She’s always been about average, so the doctor said increased activity tends to lessen weight gain. I’m going to start supplementing with formula just in case though. Actually, I’ve been doing that for a while, so now I’m going to do it more often.
She has really started scooting these days. She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks and bounces, but has yet to really start crawling. She can get to where she wants to go though, it’s just a little slow.

What’s Going On

Hmm. A lot has happened during the last month. Samantha has really started moving. She’s not crawling, but rolling everywhere and “swimming” on her tummy. She’s also talking a lot. She can consistently say “dada” and “baba.” She occassionally says “mama” and “nana.” She is beginning to love reading, and even helps turn the pages.
We took a trip to the beach with the Betbezes and then spent some time with the Mauters in Florence for Lauren’s wedding. We had a great time at both, but are so glad to be back home.

Sitting Up

Samantha is now 7 months old and sitting up well. She does get tired after about 15 minutes of it and is ready for a break. She still doesn’t have any teeth, but I feel like we’re so close! I think she has finally gotten over her sickness. It lasted for about 6 weeks, but I think she’s feeling mostly better now. Brian got sick too, and finally agreed to go to the doctor after about 4 weeks. He had bronchitis and is feeling better now too.

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Happy Cinco de Mayo! I feel like I should make this my blog since everybody else is doing it. 🙂 By the way, Lettie, I am now a Nester fan. I just wish I had the courage to start putting holes in my walls like she does (and not worry about patching them) and have an eye for cute fabric. I just don’t have that.
Anyway, let’s see what’s been going on the past few weeks. Samantha is sick *AGAIN*. She’s a true Daycare Kid. That means, you guessed it, Brian is sick AGAIN. Which means, I’ll be sick soon. We go back to the doctor this week to check up on her ear, but I have a feeling he’s going to tell us that she has another ear infection in the other ear. This time, she’s been pulling it. Mom said, “Maybe she has just found her ears.” I don’t think so. She’s been on antibiotics, but I don’t guess that matters.
For those of you that know my nephew, Jackson, you might remember his open mouth kisses. Samantha has started kissing just like that! It’s open mouth, tongue, wet and slobbery, but oh so sweet.