15 Month Check Up

Samantha had her 15 month checkup a few days ago. Everything’s going well, this time. The doctor said she did have some residual fluid in one of her ears, but because she was sick for so long, he wasn’t concerned. Other than that, she got a clean bill of health. She’s in the 70th percentile for height, but 30th for weight. He said she’s got 2 molars in the back already, and it looks like 2 more are about to cut through too. I had noticed that she was drooling A LOT, but hadn’t even noticed the teeth in the back. Her mood didn’t seem to be nearly as affected this time around. We’ve tried to look in her mouth since then, but we can’t seem to pry it open.

In other news, we are smitten with a new house. We’ll see if it works out for us. More news on that later.

Yet Another Ear Infection

Yesterday, I took Samantha to the doctor’s office to get her flu booster shot. At her age, she needs to receive 2 flu shots to make sure the vaccine will work. While I was there, I asked if the doctor could look in her ears to make sure that the infection had gone away. Monday was Day 10 of the antibiotics.

The right ear was infected last time, and it still is. The left ear now has an infection too. I don’t think the infection ever went away, so this round of antibiotics was not effective (keep in mind it was not penicillin-based). However, this counts as ear infection #4 – and 3 in 6 weeks. The doctor prescribed one more antibiotic. If she doesn’t get better this time, we’ll have to go see an ENT and start having the tube discussion. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

In other news, she began walking in earnest tonight. I know we’ve said that for weeks now, but this time, it’s for real. At least it seems so. She had been taking those 5-6 steps in between us for weeks. Tonight, she would venture off course and even began walking laps in her bedroom. It was very cool. She gets very frustrated when she falls and has to get back up on her own, but I think she’ll have that mastered soon enough. Big day.

ANOTHER Ear Infection and Rash

So, Samantha has been sick since the end of September. She’s had a runny nose and a cough that has not gone away. This led to an ear infection shortly before her birthday, which of course, may have led to the allergic reaction on her birthday from the penicillin. But, the runny nose and cough never went away.

This past week, she’s had a rash that mysteriously appears and disappears on all parts of her body randomly. It’s strange. She’s been sleeping A LOT and is pretty irritable when she’s awake. Brian finally decided enough was enough and decided to take her to the doctor. She has another ear infection and something called Fifth’s Disease. Fifth’s disease is a viral infection that caused the mottled rash. The doctor immediately recognized it and said that it was going around. We just have to let it take its course and it will eventually go away. We got a non-penicillin antibiotic for her ear. Brian made the theory that she gets an ear infection anytime a new tooth comes in (#7 is on its way and I think some back molars are coming in too). I’ve heard a friend of mine say that her son got an ear infection anytime a tooth came through, so I think his theory is certainly possible. Maybe one of these days, she’ll begin to feel better. You can tell that she just doesn’t feel well.

In other news, we hope to see you all soon. If not, have a Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Belated Birthday, Lauren!

No more Penicillin!

What a weekend! MamaLinda kept Samantha all day on Friday while I had a seminar. What a birthday treat! I know Samantha had a great time and I hope MamaLinda wasn’t too worn out.

It was good to see everyone at Samantha’s birthday party. Little did we know that we were in for a bumpy few hours afterwards. Samantha has been on an antibiotic because she had a bad ear infection. After 4 days of not getting better (high fever continued), we switched from amoxicillin to augmentin. After 5 days of that (Saturday afternoon) little bumps started appearing on her legs and started to spread rapidly. By Sunday morning, she was covered! We packed up hurridly from Huntsville and drove straight to Samantha’s pediatrician. They determined that it was a penicillin allergy! So, no more easy antibiotics. Her ear infection is gone and now she’s taking claritin for the allergic reaction.